Przedsiębiorstwo Komunalne Therma Bielsko-Biała Sp. z o. o. is the leading heat supplier within the area of Bielsko-Biała commune.

Under cooperation between INTENSE Group with Therma Bielsko, started at the end of 2012, the modern solution of Business Process Management class for the circulation of work and documents, INTENSE WorkFlow, as well as for the management of project documentation, INTENSE Project Manager was implemented.

The main aims executed under the project:

  • Automation of the key business areas
  • Increase of the efficiency of operation thanks to the implementation of the electronic circulation of work and documents, enriched by OCR mechanism
  • Automation and control of the enterprise’s resource reservation
  • Integration of workflow software with financial and accounting system
  • Operational reporting with automatic distribution of lists, alerts and notifications
  • Management of ISO documentation and process audits