10 years with INTENSE Platform
We can say with confidence that implementing of INTENSE Platform is an effective investment for years. One of our customers, POZKAL is the best example; they has been working on INTENSE Platform for over 10 years.
It has been 10 years since the implementation of INTENSE Platform in one of the best printing houses in Poland - POZKAL is realised. Project management, reporting, ABC (Activity Based Costing), budgeting, workflow, system integration, as well as creating and saving tasks, these all are elements of POZKAL’s installation which means that the implementation was a huge, difficult, but finally successful project.
What makes the investment in INTENSE Platform so profitable?
First, constant development. Thanks to maintenance of the system, every client has got access to new versions of INTENSE Platform and, what is worth to mention, we have released dozens of them until this day. INTENSE Group invests over 35% of revenues, thanks to which our clients can take advantage of every functions and every feature we release in a new INTENSE Platform’s versions.
Second, complexity. INTENSE platform consists of 20 integrated modules that can be implemented depending on the needs of enterprieses, without constantly investing in new systems.
After all, professional service. Our Technical Assistance department constantly cooperates with the clients and realizes both warranty service as well as installation development.
For these reasons, customers cooperate with us for years and their satisfaction is being confirmed by the reference letters.
(photo via: www.pozkal.com.pl)