Remote work in INTENSE Platform from the customer's perspective

Remote work in INTENSE Platform from the customer's perspective


For several years, companies are increasingly considering switching to the remote mode of their employees, and now this solution, for obvious reasons, has simply become a necessity for most companies. In recent weeks, INTENSE Platform has helped many of our clients to safely implement this scenario.

We invite you to read the account of one of them:

I returned from France on March 19, the day preceding the announcement of a pandemic in Poland. Our organization brings together a dozen or so cooperating companies, I have various responsibilities in them, the most important two are: Intense electronic document flow administrator and member of the loan fund board. On March 20 I called the company with the information that I had happily returned and I intend to undergo a two-week quarantine. However, it turned out that it was decided to transfer all (or almost all) employees to homework. 150 people took their computers and instead sat in their home armchairs and worked remotely. Interestingly, it happened overnight: the decision to work remotely was made on Thursday and on Friday everyone was already working from home. So my quarantine went without boredom and lack of duties - I worked doing 99% of my current tasks. Admittedly, the leading role in this fast and trouble-free transition to remote work was played by Intense platform - implemented in our companies for several years, developed a style of work on document scans, on confirming and accepting documents in the system, quickly, efficiently, transparently and without dust and running behind a signature or stamp ...

Today I was asked a few words about work during this difficult period. It was a bit different - I have never worked in a bathrobe and slippers ...

While the scope of work of a computer system administrator can easily be imagined as possible to completely isolate and work remotely, holding a function in the Loan Fund Management is slightly less. Meanwhile, with the help of INTENSE Platform, I managed all the fund's work from home, signed contracts, sent documents for signature and carried out all activities remotely, 8 kilometers from the office and several kilometers from other fund employees - because there was no one in the office except secretarial support, which received traditional mail and "thrown" it into the system. After almost 2 months of remote work, at the beginning of May, I went to the office for the first time - I spent 3 hours there attaching the original documents to the binder and returned home.

In my opinion, a pandemic can permanently change reality in the approach to work in our organization. The need meant that with the help of INTENSE Platform, we switched to a remote work system and it turned out that it is possible to reduce the amount of space in the office, the costs of lighting, heating, cleaners and much more, turning an office chair into a home chair and a suit for a bathrobe. Of course, all this requires an appropriate IT system. I, with the help of INTENSE Platform, managed all the fund's work from home, signed contracts, sent documents for signature and carried out all activities remotely, 8 kilometers from the office and several kilometers from other employees. After almost 2 months of remote work, at the beginning of May, I went to the office for the first time - I spent 3 hours there attaching the original documents to the binder and returned home.

Dariusz Gwiazda

PFI Global

(photo via: