INTENSE Abroad - INTENSE Platform has traversed Europe

INTENSE Abroad - INTENSE Platform has traversed Europe


Dear INTENSE Group’s friends!

Today we are closing our "INTENSE Abroad" series of posts. Through it, we mentioned selected countries where INTENSE Platform is present.

We wanted to dedicate the last post to the largest shoe manufacturer and the fastest-growing footwear company in Europe - CCC S.A.


As of today, the CCC Group operates in as many as 28 countries and has over 950 stationary stores, along with approximately 90 e-commerce platforms. This company serves as a prime illustration of a business where key attributes for growth include agility and rapid adaptation to evolving circumstances.


INTENSE Platform is used in the CCC Group in order to organize a wide range of activities, including those related to planning new investments and opening new locations. At this level, our system greatly simplifies the processes involved in handling extensive leases.

In managing the network of stores, the implementation includes, among other things, their relocations, expansions, renovations, remodelling and liquidations.

INTENSE Platform is where records of both domestic and international points of sale and warehouses are stored. All equipment is registered, making the administration of all assets less labour-intensive and efficient.  


CCC writes in its references to INTENSE Platform:

"An indispensable part of our installation is the mobile/www interface, which allows us to access the resources recorded in the Platform from smartphones and other mobile devices. Thanks to this, we don't have to worry about the limitations of accessing a computer to respond to new documents or new tasks appearing in the Platform. The result is a significant acceleration of the activities we carry out." - emphasizes CEO Marcin Czyczerski.


A key component of the system is the Report Book. The reporting module allows generation, revision and automation of reports and alerts dispatch. This, in turn, enables agile supervision of the premises. The reports are also an important tool used in planning future activities within a store or country.

The reports are distributed to countries such as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Austria, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia, Ukraine and Hungary.

And this is how the INTENSE Platform travels across Europe...

The reference letter is available here

Thank you, CCC for your trust and the opportunity to work together on so many levels and in such a vast geographic area! This is a considerable challenge for us, but also a great pleasure. We are ready for further journeys and new challenges!

We wish you continued success!

INTENSE Group Team